Snowy Leap Day!

All winter it has been brown, not to mention basically above freezing where I live.  As I get older the idea of no shoveling does become more… intriguing, if you will, but for someone raised in Minnesota, on the Canadian border, snow is part of winter.  In fact, we lived so far north that I curled as a HS sport and did this three days a week, in Canada, twenty minutes away.  Also, when my older sister went to Kindergarten she started singing “Oh Canada” when the class sang the national anthem in the morning for the first time.  We got one TV station and it was from Winnipeg; she was sure that was our national anthem.

That said, here it is, March 1st on three years out of four, February 29th this leap year, and we’re getting one of our biggest snowstorms of the season.

The last couple of weeks have been in the forties with the sun shining and I even went and bought a couple of spring bulb flats just to see the narcissus, hyacinths and crocuses bloom in the office (okay, actually at Paul’s insistence).  My spring fever started two weeks ago and I’m essentially done wishing for snow.  Now all I can say is “well, we do need the moisture…”  How about a gentle 45 degree rain?  I guess Mother Nature has no desire to be predicable or boring.  I also think she’s a bit of a control freak.

Whatever, we’ll all slog though this mess and do our best to stay warm and dry cause Mother knows best.  I’m just glad we aren’t an agrarian economy anymore, I just can’t see myself selling blocks of ice to California and Texas all winter waiting for our three month growing season.