MN State Parks
When we don’t have the time to get to a National Park we’re trying to do State Parks. Collecting state park experiences can be a lot of fun and the Minnesota DNR put out a couple of books to document those experiences. They are for sale through their site and are called Hiking Club book and Passbook Club book. The passbook club book (center of the accompanying picture) gives you pages to collect the rubber stamp / ink pad type of stamps with a page for each park. There is space for a picture, date, and some comments, as well. As I say on my The Parks page, a parks enthusiast created a sticker for each park from the entrance signs. These are available on Shutterfly, I believe.
Each park has a paper map and guide that you can collect and many of them have the Minnesota State Parks and Trail map to the parks in the state, which is nice for planning (far left in the picture).
The Hiking Club book (far right) has a little information about each park and a space at the back for collecting the hiking club password for each park, along with mileage. If you like, you can collect the passwords and win some gifts (patches and some certificates for free nights of camping) from the park system.
To see for parks either navigate the menus to “The Parks” or go here.