You’ve heard about the “top 1%”, but have you heard about the “bottom billion”?
How often do you think about water during your day?
- Never
- Sometimes
- Nearly all the time
When you think about water, is it…
- To find some to drink
- To complain about the temperature of your shower
- To relax and have some recreation
I’ve been strongly connected to water my entire life. I grew up near Lake of the Woods and the Rainy River, not to mention the Baudette Bay. My first job took me to Muscatine, Iowa where the Mississippi played a large role in my recreational time. I have spent time on and around Lake Superior, one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world, almost every year since moving back to Minnesota in 1984. I live on a small, spring-fed, lake in the Twin Cities and currently have a cabin on a small inland lake in the Arrowhead region.
Clean water flows freely from taps all around me. I see bodies of water almost every day. My wanderlust tends to include water as well.
There are a billion people on this earth that do not have access to clean water to drink, let alone enjoy.
You’ve heard about the “top 1%”, but have you heard about the “bottom billion”?