“The Mayor of Baudette” told by Lois Rand

Lois and Sidney Rand were in Williams, Minnesota, making their annual visit to the grave of Sidney’s father. A teenage boy was mowing the cemetery when they arrived. He walked up to Sidney and asked Sid if he was Sidney Rand. When Sid acknowledged that that was indeed the truth, the teenager told Sidney that the editor of the local paper would like an interview with him. (Sidney had been Ambassador to Norway.) Sidney and Lois went to the newspaper office, puzzled as to how the young boy had known them. When they asked the editor to help them solve that mystery, the editor’s reply was that the Mayor of Baudette had told him that Sidney Rand would be at the Williams Cemetery that exact day. And, who was the Mayor of Baudette? None other than Clyde Tyler. Obviously, he was a mayor who was truly in touch with all the activities in his community and surrounding area.

As told to Bev Hefte by Lois Rand (Bert Tyler’s first cousin)

A comment from Bob Tyler –> A classmate of mine from high school came up with this picture, via a friend of hers. Because Lois’ story was about Dad as Mayor, I wanted to include it here. Enjoy 🙂

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