As Labor Day and the last day of the 2016 Minnesota State Fair comes to a close, I wanted to share a bit of fun from my two visits. I attended once with some friends and once with family. The second time was with family on the record breaking attendance day…you’re welcome, State Fair attendance counters…with more than 260,000 people counted that day.
My favorite new food this year was the breakfast sausage corn dog with maple syrup. It was a great way to start the morning.

We did some animal barns right after that and this first picture seemed so appropriate…like little links getting fattened up and warmed.

There was literally a parade of horses pulling wagons as we wandered.

Here’s another group that caught our attention in the barns:

Here’s a mixture of Pop culture, 2016 history, and politics from the seed art display:

We only partook of one ride. The one built in 1915 – Ye Old Mill.

There are lots of free give-aways at the fair…my favorite this year was the Kare11 sunglasses.

Machinery Hill is cool from above or below…

Crafts and creative activities are always fun…

An appropriate ending to my 2016 State Fair pictures…for those that know what the “ber” months mean.