Summer, mosquitoes and writing

The week has gone by slowly. Surprising because the summer has been high-tailing it right along. I guess I’m lucky since I’ve had the past week off and what better time to drag on than vacations, right? I spent a large part of my time off “up North” as we Minnesotan’s are so apt to say when we head outdoors in the summer.

No internet, no phone service, no TV, no radio. The very comfortable cabin we stay at is almost totally disconnected from the outside world…other than the REAL outside, meaning grass, trees, gravel roads, water and mosquitoes. I guess this is what it took to get me to read four books and write / rewrite several thousand words of “Alexander’s Tail”.

Happy camper in front of his computer, “am writing” –

2014-07-29 14.03.30

I also visited one of Paul’s favorite sculptures – “Lester” at Last Chance Gallery –

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Drank some beer from a canning jar at My Sister’s Place

And sat around shooting the breeze and shooing the mosquitoes into the fire, paddling around the lake seeking sunsets, eating donuts from World’s Best Donuts, and replenishing reading material at Drury Lane Books

All in all, a good week off. We’re ready to go back to work. I’m not ready for the summer to end, but I’m happy continue to watch the seasons march on. Welcome to August!

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