A reminder that life is hard…

Earlier this week, I heard the news that someone committed suicide by jumping from the 27th floor of our building. Obviously, she wanted an ostentatious exit from earth. I couldn’t blame her. Well, it was not pretty. After her fall, she would have been a great cast member for the latest episode of the Walking Dead. Whenever I hear news like this, and there have been a few recently, I tend not to judge whoever did it. People say no problem will ever be solved by killing oneself, and I couldn’t agree more. But as far as this person is concerned, it’s over, it’s not her problem anymore. She may have wanted a grand exit from this world and she got it. Maybe she finally got the attention that she has been seeking all her life. Suicide has been a touchy subject for me, as I have gone through a similar phase before. I’m glad I got over it. It really does get better, at least for me. I guess, for this woman, it didn’t. Sad.

Danny, micro-blogger, Manila, Philippines

2 thoughts on “A reminder that life is hard…

  1. I guess life is hard everywhere. Like u said, sadness is not a unique thing to a place. But as long as you have friends to talk to, everything is going to be okay.

    1. You are right, Danny. We all need friends and family (of origin or chosen) to stay sane and happy. We are social beings.

      Thanks for the post!

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